Plant protection module 1
   Apple scab + temperature sums

  • software module for subsequent processing of climatic data for pathogenic agent prognosis for any periods
  • 3 different apple scab models - freely selectable in parameters
  • temperature sums for 15 animal pathogenic agents
  • temperature sum models freely expandable
     Order number
  • 30310

The plant protection module 1 serves to pathogenic agent prognosis on the basis of  meteorological data registered with UK_TOSS standard version. Therefore, this module can be used only in connection with UK_TOSS.

In particular, the pathogenic agent prognosis is important for any periods. Thus, based on long-term entered climatic data, different comparative computer forecasts can be carried out even later. An independent parameter adaptation is given in such a way due to own experiences.


     Apple scab

There are three different apple scab prognosis models available:

  • Mills ascospores
  • Mills conidia
  • Schwabe

Those are adaptable by free parameters, like calculation period, night hour treatment, density of light / astronomical sun position , drying times and precipitation evaluation.

The calculated prognosis graph, i.e. the probability of appearance, is plotted as infection index. If the infection index exceeds pre-defined limit values, a weak, medium or heavy infection is to be anticipated. The end of one infection period is achieved after a defined number of drying hours, i.e. of hours without leaf  wetness.


     Temperature sums

The integrated data base of events contains phaenological events for 15 animal pathogenic agents according to different bases of temperature sums.

The complete editing capability of this data base not only enables the adaptation of the events to local conditions but also the free expendability, i.e. adding new phaenological events to available pathogenic agents or adding completely new plant pests.

The representation of the temperature totals takes place graphically with the appropriate phaenological events. There is the possibility of prognosis to be able to estimate the occurring of phaenological events for the next days.

For further analysis, daily, weekly and yearly logs are produced. With these logs, the occurred as well as the prognosticated phaenological events are listed by different sort specifications with proportional computer forecast.


     System requirements
Software UK_TOSS executably installed on PC

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